Labour Practices & Human Rights

Why it is important
Treating our people and those that work with us fairly and with respect is fundamental to the way that we work at Subsea7. We are committed to fulfilling our responsibility to respect and uphold human rights. We strive to protect the dignity of individuals working in or impacted by our operations, including people who work for our suppliers or who live in the communities where we work.
This includes a commitment to help prevent modern slavery, human trafficking and other forms of forced or involuntary labour anywhere in our business or supply chain.

Respecting human rights
Respecting human rights and adopting good labour practices helps us live our Values. Having a robust Speak Up procedure and channels for people to raise concerns enables us to deliver on this commitment. Our commitment to labour practices and human rights and our associated policies and procedures also help us to recruit and retain talented people around the world. Maintaining good employee relations makes us a stronger and better company capable of winning market share and performing well for all our stakeholders.
Human rights and workplace
Everyone at Subsea7 must abide by our Code of Conduct. Fundamentally our Code is all about standing up for human rights in all we do, wherever we work, so no-one is ever mistreated, abused or exploited by us or anyone we work with. Our Human Rights Policy Statement makes it explicitly clear that we will not accept any abuse of human rights, including forced or involuntary labour, and we will not work with suppliers or partners that do.
Promoting and partnering on human rights
Subsea7 is proud to be a signatory to the UN Global Compact, in which the United Nations has set out 10 principles covering human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We have also signed up to support the Worker Welfare Principles set out by the Building Responsibly organisation, of which we became a Board member in 2021.
We support the rights of our people to freedom of association and collective bargaining. By working with established international compacts, standards and organisations we aim to present a united international business community where we stand alongside others in our industry and other industries worldwide to put a stop to human rights abuses.
Fair and lawful employment
We are committed to fair and lawful employment practices across the Company and throughout our supply chain. We are an equal opportunities employer and seek to protect our people from discrimination, bullying and harassment. As a minimum we comply with national legal requirements regarding wages and working hours everywhere we have operations. We also apply the International Labour Organization’s standards regarding child labour and the minimum working age.
Working with our suppliers
We are also committed to working with suppliers and partners whose human rights standards are consistent with our own. We require our suppliers to uphold the same standards when dealing with their employees, contract staff and subcontractors. We require them to commit to our Code of Conduct for Suppliers (which includes human rights and labour practices), and we encourage them to expect the same of us and report any behaviour that is inconsistent with this code. If they are not comfortable reporting to Subsea7 directly, we encourage the use of our externally administered confidential reporting line, Safecall.
Our targets
- 100% Relevant employees trained on human rights by 2024
- 90% High-risk suppliers undergoing enhanced human rights risk assessments by 2025 (65% by 2024)
- 100% Proportion of our workforce covered by a human rights risk assessment within the last three years by 2023 (target achieved)
Our commitments
We are aligned with the UN Global Compact in supporting the commitment to respect and protect human rights (Principles 1 and 2). We uphold the UN Global Compact’s labour principles and commit to fair and lawful employment practices across the Company and throughout our supply chain (Principles 3, 4, 5, 6).
Subsea7 supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals