Sustainability Governance
“Incorporating sustainability within our business strategy is very important to Subsea7.”
John Evans
Chief Executive Officer

The Board
Subsea 7 S.A. Board of Directors is responsible for guiding the Group's strategy in relation to sustainability and climate-related matters, and when defining the objectives, strategies, and risk profiles for the Group's business activities, sustainability risks and opportunities are considered. Sustainability is a key area of focus for the Board and is an agenda item at each Board meeting. These meetings take place a minimum of once per quarter and include the Executive Management Team.
Sustainability Committee
Our Sustainability Committee, composed of the Executive Management Team, promotes and fosters a culture that supports and drives the implementation of our sustainability ambitions and objectives. This committee enables a clear communication channel to the Board and meets quarterly to review performance against our ambitions. Reporting to our CEO, our Executive Vice President Strategy and Sustainability, has the responsibility to drive our sustainability agenda and further embed the integrated link between strategy and sustainability within the business. The work of the Sustainability Committee is supported by the work of our Risk Committee and Ethics Committee, to align their approaches to the management of our material topics.
Sustainability Focused Workgroup
Each Sustainability Priority, defined through a materiality assessment is sponsored by a member of the Executive Management Team and is supported by a focused workgroup of senior managers and key business function leaders. The sponsor ensures the alignment of the sustainability strategy with business priorities and the long-term direction of Subsea7. The focused workgroups are responsible for implementing Subsea7's sustainability ambitions and for managing relevant risks and performance across the organisation as well as considering their implication for the business. Quarterly updates on progress across the sustainability priorities are provided to the sponsors to facilitate oversight and support strategic direction of key sustainability matters.
Corporate Sustainability Team
A Corporate Sustainability Team, led by a Director of Sustainability, facilitates the Group’s sustainability efforts including tracking stakeholders’ expectations, communicating and reporting on our sustainability performance, and working with our focused workgroups to ensure successful implementation of our sustainability strategy.
Regional Management
To ensure regional focus, our global business functions work with our regional management to support the Group’s efforts by integrating sustainability ambitions and actions into their operations.