OTC 2014
Game-changing technology and the Seven Arctic, an industry-leading vessel engineered to tackle increasingly complex deep water markets, are spearheading the solutions on show to the global oil & gas industry by Subsea 7 at OTC Houston, May 5 - 8.
As oil exploration companies broaden their subsea portfolios, the resulting demand for more complex technology solutions is driving the industry to innovate more rapidly than ever before. This trend brings a new set of challenges for subsea technology, including higher pressures, more difficult fluids, longer tie-backs and, increasingly, sea-bed processing.
During the course of OTC week, Subsea 7 will be talking to clients, the media and partners about the need for technology investment to be focused, collaborative, and strongly thought through.
“Subsea technologies and sophisticated infrastructure is the delivery platform for the ongoing push into deeper water environments,” said David Mair, Group VP Business Development.
“Subsea 7 is dedicated to providing the right solutions at the right time,” Mr Mair added. “Subsea major capital projects are core to Subsea 7’s strategy, and upcoming large subsea projects will require a combination of strong project management skills and leadership with a keen focus on applied technologies – qualities and skills which characterise Subsea 7. This year’s stand at OTC promises to be an outstanding showcase for all our capabilities and we look forward to welcoming our clients, the media and partners to come and learn more about us.”
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